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Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-11

The statement refers to the capabilities of certain automated fact-checking platforms, specifically their ability to offer real-time assessments of information. The mention of a website and an API...

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The Seattle City Council looks poised to establish six “stay out” zones for drug crimes and one for prostitution, authorizing judges to bar people from the zones once they’ve been charged with or convicted of certain offenses and authorizing police to make arrests if they don’t comply.

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-12

The statement regarding the Seattle City Council's consideration of 'stay out' zones for drug-related offenses and prostitution reflects ongoing discussions within the city government. Recent news...

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The council’s Public Safety Committee voted 5-0 Tuesday to advance two bills — one aimed at drug activity in downtown, the Chinatown International District, Belltown, Pioneer Square, Capitol Hill and the University District.

Rating: True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-12

The statement is accurate according to recent reports about the Seattle City Council's activities. The Public Safety Committee did vote unanimously (5-0) to advance legislation related to creating...

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The other would create a zone along Aurora Avenue North targeting what the bill calls commercial sexual exploitation.

Rating: True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-12

The statement accurately reflects ongoing legislative discussions in Seattle. Recent council meetings have focused on the implementation of 'Stay Out of Area Prostitution' (SOAP) zones,...

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That bill would also reestablish and revise a “prostitution loitering” crime that a previous Seattle council repealed in 2020.

Rating: True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-12

The statement regarding the proposed bill accurately reflects recent legislative actions in Seattle. According to multiple sources, the Seattle City Council did indeed repeal the crime of...

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The end of the world is going to be caused by something called a cataclysm.

Rating: Mostly False Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-12

The term 'cataclysm' broadly refers to any large-scale and violent event in the natural world that causes significant disruption. Throughout history, various cultures and belief systems have...

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The amount of time it takes to get to Las Vegas is too long.

Rating: Half True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-12

The statement reflects a subjective opinion rather than an objective fact. Responses found in search results indicate a range of perceptions regarding how long a stay in Las Vegas should be....

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Jesus loves everyone on earth even know he is the reason for all wars if he is in fact god.

Rating: Mostly False Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-12

The statement contains two primary claims: that Jesus loves everyone and that he is the reason for all wars. The assertion that Jesus loves everyone aligns with core Christian beliefs, where God's...

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Babies cry for no reason other than to cry sometimes.

Rating: Mostly False Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-12

The statement suggests that babies may cry without a discernible cause, implying that it might not be linked to any needs or discomfort. According to the search results and general knowledge about...

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Heavy metal music is listening to by only Satan worshipers.

Rating: False Severity: medium Check Date: 2024-09-12

The statement is misleading and does not accurately represent the diversity of heavy metal music listeners. While it is true that some heavy metal bands, like Slayer, use satanic imagery in their...

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