You can fact-check your writing in real-time on our website, or build with our API.

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-11


The statement refers to the capabilities of certain automated fact-checking platforms, specifically their ability to offer real-time assessments of information. The mention of a website and an API suggests a service that allows users to verify facts during the writing process. Based on the search results, services such as 'Automated Fact-Checker' imply that users can engage with a tool that assesses the accuracy of their claims. Furthermore, Google’s Fact Check Tools offer a method to verify existing claims and provide resources for users looking to enhance their credibility. However, while the statement is conceptually accurate, the actual implementation details, such as how real-time this fact-checking process is and whether it matches the user’s writing timeline, may vary. The effectiveness of such tools may not be universal across all writing contexts. The CNN article does not directly pertain to the tools being discussed but highlights the ongoing importance of verification in public speech, illustrating the need for such fact-checking tools. Overall, while the statement captures the essence of automated fact-checking services, the practicalities of real-time checking may not align perfectly with all user experiences.

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