The council’s Public Safety Committee voted 5-0 Tuesday to advance two bills — one aimed at drug activity in downtown, the Chinatown International District, Belltown, Pioneer Square, Capitol Hill and the University District.

Rating: True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-12


The statement is accurate according to recent reports about the Seattle City Council's activities. The Public Safety Committee did vote unanimously (5-0) to advance legislation related to creating 'stay out' zones aimed specifically at addressing drug activity in several targeted neighborhoods, including downtown areas and Capitol Hill, among others. This aligns with the ongoing efforts reported by various news outlets, citing proposals to set up exclusion zones for drug-related crimes. The articles clearly state that the council is looking to establish these zones as part of a stricter approach to law enforcement on drug and prostitution activities, which is also highlighted in the search results. Therefore, the claim that the committee voted on bills specifically targeting these areas for drug-related activities is confirmed, supporting the accurate portrayal of the Seattle City Council's actions.

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