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Its unscientific to pretend that the only valid source of evidence is peer-reviewed papers.

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-21

The statement highlights a common misperception regarding the validity of peer-reviewed research as the sole evidence source in scientific inquiry. While peer-reviewed studies are crucial in...

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Democracy (from Ancient Greek: , romanized: dmokrata, dmos people and kratos rule)[14] is a system of government in which state power is vested in the people or the general population of a state.

Rating: True Severity: medium Check Date: 2024-09-21

The statement accurately defines democracy, highlighting its etymology from the ancient Greek terms 'demos' (meaning people) and 'kratos' (meaning rule). These components correctly characterize...

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Under a minimalist definition of democracy, rulers are elected through competitive elections while more expansive definitions link democracy to guarantees of civil liberties and human rights in addition to competitive elections.

Rating: True Severity: medium Check Date: 2024-09-21

The statement presents a distinction that is widely recognized in political theory regarding the concept of democracy. A minimalist definition of democracy focuses solely on the electoral process,...

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Coinbase just announced cbBTC on Solana at Breakpoint!

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-21

The statement claims that Coinbase announced cbBTC on the Solana blockchain during the Breakpoint event. According to the search results, there is confirmation from Solana's official Twitter...

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Rating: True Severity: Low Check Date: 2024-09-21

The statement "1+1=2" is universally accepted as a fundamental truth in arithmetic and mathematics. It expresses that the operation of addition between the integer one (1) and itself results in...

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Qualcomm envisage de racheter Intel, daprs le Wall Street Journal

Rating: True Severity: High Check Date: 2024-09-21

The statement refers to a potential takeover of Intel by Qualcomm, indicating that the Wall Street Journal has reported on this topic. According to recent search results, Qualcomm has indeed...

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Was the Holocaust real

Rating: True Severity: high Check Date: 2024-09-21

The Holocaust was indeed a real and well-documented historical event during World War II, where approximately six million Jews and millions of others were systematically exterminated by the Nazi...

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Was the Holocaust real

Rating: False Severity: high Check Date: 2024-09-21

The Holocaust was indeed a historical event and is one of the most thoroughly documented and studied atrocities in history. It involved the systematic extermination of six million Jews and...

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