Зеленский признал, что на Украине уничтожены все ТЭС

Rating: Mostly True Severity: High Check Date: 2024-09-25


The statement accurately reflects remarks made by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, where he stated that all thermal power plants (ТЭС) and major hydroelectric power stations (ГЭС) in Ukraine have been destroyed. This declaration was made following the ongoing conflict, which has severely damaged Ukraine's energy infrastructure. According to multiple reliable sources, including reports from RIA Novosti and other news outlets, Zelensky highlighted the destruction of approximately 80% of the country's energy generation capacity. However, the term "все" (all) in this context raises questions since it is possible that not every single station has been destroyed, though certainly a vast majority has been impacted to a significant degree. Thus, while the claim is largely aligned with Zelensky's statements and the current state of Ukraine's energy facilities, the absolute nature of saying "all" may require further contextual qualifiers. Overall, while the statement is mostly true, it simplifies a complex situation regarding the status of energy generation in Ukraine.

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