You can also disable the mutual TLS or use the unset mode, so the settings are inherited from the parent configuration.

Rating: Mostly True Severity: High Check Date: 2024-09-13


The statement regarding disabling mutual TLS and using an unset mode to inherit from parent configurations appears to be supported by information from security settings and a specific GitHub issue related to TLS configuration. Disabling mutual TLS can be a valid action; however, it poses significant security risks unless the user implements alternative security measures. The 'unset mode' referred to aligns with system settings where configurations default to inherited parameters from parent configurations. Thus, the interpretation in the statement correlates with practical application and technical documentation. Ultimately, while conceptually correct, employing the disable or unset modes can lead to vulnerabilities if users do not have adequate security measures in place when mutual TLS is not operational. Therefore, the risk-involving implications must be recognized when making such configurations.

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