В штате Висконсин детям можно выпивать В американском штате Висконсин закон разрешает детям употреблять алкоголь дома и в барах, при условии, что вместе с ребенком находится его родитель или опекун.

Rating: True Severity: medium Check Date: 2024-11-13


The statement regarding Wisconsin law is accurate in its essence, confirming that minors in Wisconsin can legally consume alcohol under specific conditions. According to Wis. Stat. § 125.07(3), minors can drink alcohol at home or in public places, such as bars, as long as they are accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. This legal allowance is designed to promote responsible consumption within a familial context, though it raises concerns regarding the normalization of alcohol use among minors. It is crucial to note that this is a particular case in Wisconsin and varies significantly from laws in other states. Furthermore, while the law permits this behavior, it does not imply that it is universally accepted or encouraged by society. Awareness of legal ramifications and the cultural approach towards underage drinking is important for parents and guardians. Overall, while the statement is factual, it simplifies a complex issue that involves legal frameworks, societal norms, and health implications.

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