Then when it was proven she calls herself a girl in the Japanese version, it became "Bridget is just an Otonokono, you're interpreting it wrong".

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-11-20


This statement references the character Bridget from the game series Guilty Gear. In the Japanese version of the Guilty Gear series, Bridget is often referred to as 'Otonokono', which translates to 'boy' or 'young man'. This has led to significant discussions around gender identity representation in video games. The phrase 'you're interpreting it wrong' suggests a dismissal of players' interpretations of Bridget's identity based on how she presents herself in the English localization versus the Japanese version. It is important to note that while Bridget is referred to as a boy in the original Japanese context, in other representations—including gameplay and character interactions—Bridget can be seen as identifying more fluidly, which can contribute to the confusion. Therefore, the statement oversimplifies a complex topic of gender identity and localization, making it partially misleading rather than fully accurate.

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