The strict mode only allows mutual TLS communication.

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-13


The statement is somewhat misleading as it suggests that strict mode is exclusively limited to mutual TLS (mTLS) communication, which could imply no other forms of communication are permitted. In practice, while strict mode in configurations like Istio's mTLS heavily enforces mutual TLS by requiring both client and server to present valid certificates for authentication, it doesn't outright disable other types of communication. For example, there can still be non-mTLS communications on different endpoints or configurations, depending on the overall policy setup. However, when strict mTLS is enabled, it is indeed the enforced mode for secure communications between services as defined in the Istio documentation. Thus, while it heavily restricts communications to those that utilize mTLS, it is not an accurate description to say it 'only' allows for this, as there may be other operational factors at play.

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