The government of virigna said once a baby is born they can put it aside and decide to kill it or not.

Rating: Mostly False Severity: High Check Date: 2024-09-11


This statement misrepresents remarks made by former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam regarding a proposed abortion bill in 2019. The comments made during a radio interview were partially quoted and taken out of context, leading to widespread misconceptions. Northam discussed a scenario in which a newborn baby with severe abnormalities might be cared for by parents and doctors, but the intent was not to promote an option for infanticide. The issue of 'after birth' abortion has been a contentious topic, often misrepresented in political debates to stir fear among the public. The claim that the government of Virginia allows for the killing of a baby after birth has no basis in policy and is a significant distortion of actual discussions on late-term abortion and neonatal care. Current laws do not permit infanticide, and such statements contribute to misinformation that can escalate public fear and hinder constructive debates around sensitive issues like reproductive rights.

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