the Earth is flat

Rating: False Severity: high Check Date: 2024-09-20


The claim that 'the Earth is flat' is a scientifically disproven notion that has been prevailing since ancient times, with cultures such as the Babylonians and Greeks holding flat Earth beliefs. However, extensive scientific evidence accumulated over centuries supports the Earth's spherical shape. Since the third century B.C., astronomers like Aristotle noted the Earth's curvature, and later, voyages and photographs from space further confirmed the planet’s round shape. Scientific institutions, geodesy, and even physics all align with the understanding that Earth is an oblate spheroid, meaning it is mostly spherical but slightly flattened at the poles. Despite this, there exists a contemporary group known as Flat Earthers, who promote the flat Earth theory, often framed within a conspiracy theory context. This misinformation can lead to a misunderstanding of basic scientific principles and can diminish trust in scientific authorities. The existence of the Flat Earth Society exemplifies this ongoing belief, even in the face of contradicting proof. As highlighted in the sources, a thorough understanding of scientific methods and evidence dismantles the flat Earth claims effectively.

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