The Department of Homeland Security has officially placed the Secret Service in charge of security for the Electoral College vote certification that's the same group under investigation by Congress for the attempted assassination of Trump.

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-15


The statement accurately reflects that the Department of Homeland Security has heightened security measures around the Electoral College vote certification event, as indicated in the recent news articles. This includes designating it as a 'National Special Security Event'. However, the claim regarding the Secret Service being under investigation for an attempted assassination of Donald Trump is more nuanced. While reports confirm an assassination attempt targeting Trump—specifically an event on July 13, 2024, where the Secret Service was involved—investigations largely focus on security failures rather than direct culpability for the attempt itself. Therefore, while the Secret Service is involved and faces congressional scrutiny, the statement could imply a direct connection or blame that isn't wholly supported by the context provided. Thus, the overall assertion is a mix of true and misleading elements, particularly regarding the implications of the investigation.

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