The Dem administrative state is flying millions of future voters directly into swing states, they are being sent to cities and towns throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Arizona.

Rating: False Severity: high Check Date: 2024-09-19


The assertion that the 'Dem administrative state' is flying 'millions of future voters' into swing states is misleading and lacks substantiation. While Democratic political action committees (PACs) like the Democracy Defenders PAC and Fair Fight are actively investing in battleground states to enhance voter registration and counteract voter suppression, there is no credible evidence supporting the idea that millions of people are being flown into these states specifically to influence the 2024 election. Reports from reliable sources listing the swing states focus on Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia, among others, but do not substantiate claims of mass transportation of voters. The language used ('flying millions') suggests a concerted, organized effort without evidence, making it sensational rather than factual. Discussions surrounding vote mobilization often emphasize registration and local outreach rather than transporting people en masse. Therefore, while there may be efforts to engage new and potential voters, the claim regarding flying voters has no basis in documented fact and is indicative of a broader rhetorical strategy rather than a factual occurrence.

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