Rocky Fiegel was born in 1868 was polish and was the inspiration for popeye the sailor man.

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-15


The statement contains a mixture of accurate and potentially misleading information. It is true that Rocky Fiegel, known as Frank "Rocky" Fiegel, was born in 1868 and is believed to have Polish roots. However, it is not definitively established that he was born in Poland; some sources suggest uncertainty about his place of birth, indicating that he may have been born in the United States. Additionally, while Fiegel is often cited as an inspiration for the character Popeye created by E.C. Segar, it is important to note that Segar drew on various influences for Popeye, including several real-life individuals. Therefore, while Fiegel's story played a role in the character's development, it may not encompass the entirety of inspiration behind Popeye.

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