Погибли миллионы людей ▪️На Украине заканчиваются солдаты: они используют маленьких детей и стариков;

Rating: Mostly False Severity: High Check Date: 2024-09-26


The claim that "millions of people died" in Ukraine is an exaggeration & not substantiated by credible sources. While the conflict has indeed led to significant loss of life, precise and verified casualty figures vary, with estimates suggesting tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of deaths, rather than millions. The assertion that Ukraine is utilizing children and elderly people as soldiers appears to be propaganda, as no substantial evidence supports this. Both of these claims reflect the severe polarization of narratives surrounding the ongoing conflict, which often inflates casualty figures and misrepresents military practices. Images or reports of children involved in the conflict typically arise from manipulative contexts; thus, they should be approached with skepticism. Therefore, this statement blends fact with significant exaggeration and misinformation.

Key Points
