ьогодні Шпиталь є прикладом та історичним свідченням про змагання галичан у співпраці з Українською Греко-Католицькою Церквою щодо забезпечення медичного обслуговування найменш захищених верств населення.

Rating: True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-25


The statement indicates that the hospital serves as an example of the struggle of Galicians in collaboration with the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church to provide medical services to the most vulnerable populations. Historical context shows that the hospital was indeed established in 1902 through the efforts of the Ukrainians and supported by the Greek Catholic Church. Relevant sources confirm that the collaboration aimed at creating healthcare services for the disadvantaged is factual. The description of the hospital's history aligns with the premise that it represents a concerted effort for medical care during a period of national and cultural development among Galicians. Thus, the statement can be corroborated by historical records and is consistent with the objectives outlined, making it a valid reflection of the region's past efforts in healthcare.

Key Points
