my question is if purchase a nnn chevron or a circle k gas station can claim the bonus depreciation and turn around and put in my charitable remainder trust to get additional tax deduction.

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-19


The statement raises two key points about tax incentives related to gas station acquisitions and charitable remainder trusts (CRTs). Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), businesses purchasing gas stations that include convenience stores can indeed take advantage of 100% bonus depreciation, allowing for accelerated tax deductions on the property's value. This means the owner can write off a significant initial investment quickly, improving cash flow. However, transferring or putting such property into a charitable remainder trust complicates matters. While CRTs can provide charitable deductions, the specifics depend on how the assets are valued and how income generated from those assets is taxed within the trust. Moreover, any tax benefits would also hinge on the correct structuring of the business transaction. Given the complexities of tax law, it may not be straightforward to simultaneously qualify for both bonus depreciation on the property and a tax deduction when placing it into a CRT. Taxpayers should consult with a tax professional to navigate these principles and ensure compliance with IRS regulations.

Key Points
