Many Brits struggle with the cost of living, But the word is out to illegal immigrants, Come to The UK get a hotel room, a bit of money and everything else is pretty much free, When is this nonsense going to end?

Rating: Half True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-11-16


The claim suggests that illegal immigrants in the UK receive hotel accommodations, financial assistance, and other benefits while British citizens struggle with the cost of living. It is true that the UK government provides temporary housing for some illegal immigrants, particularly when they are awaiting asylum decisions or during processing. However, the assertion that they receive 'everything else... for free' is misleading. Benefits for illegal immigrants are limited and highly regulated. Moreover, the cost of living crisis affects a wide segment of the British population beyond just illegal immigrants. While there may be some frustrations regarding the proportional allocation of resources between British citizens and immigrants, the situation is complex and involves legal frameworks prioritizing asylum seekers and refugee support.

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