It’s weird that someone knew well enough to call it Colin’s Last Stand LLC, as he has said that’s what it’s still called, but not well enough to know that they don’t take review codes or that Matty doesn’t review games under LSM, or that they’re not based in SF.

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-11-19


The statement in question centers on Colin Moriarty's venture, Last Stand Media. It correctly identifies him as the founder and highlights the name 'Colin's Last Stand LLC,' which he has indeed referred to in public forums, particularly in the context of maintaining the identity of his brand and business. However, there are inaccuracies in assuming someone should know specific operational practices, such as the refusal to accept review codes, or the distinctions about Matty (presumably Matty from Last Stand Media) and his reviewing practices. Notably, it's uncertain how common knowledge these practices are within the gaming community, leading to the assertion of 'weirdness' being subjective rather than factual. Additionally, the statement implies that they are based in San Francisco, which has been a point of confusion, given that they operate digitally and may not have a fixed physical location open to the public. In summary, the wording implies assumptions of knowledge and circumstances that may not be universally recognized or accurate, which complicates the claim's validity.

Key Points
