Інституція пов’язана насамперед із визначними діячами медицини, культури і науки, зокрема: Митрополитом УГКЦ Андреєм Шептицьким, який відпустив земельну ділянку на узбіччі Святоюрської гори при вул.

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-25


The statement connects an institution to notable figures in medicine, culture, and science, specifically mentioning Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC). Historical accounts confirm that Sheptytsky was influential in the development of medical and educational institutions in Ukraine during his tenure. He notably contributed to the approval and acquisition of land for various institutional developments, including educational and health-care facilities. However, the claim about him specifically 'granting a land plot on the edge of the Sviyato-Yurivska hill' could not be directly verified in the context provided. The historical role of Sheptytsky and the institutions associated with him is well-documented, making this connection largely accurate, if slightly vague regarding the specifics of the land plot mentioned. Therefore, this statement is rated as Mostly True.

Key Points
