In a stunning announcement, Mike Johnson admits that Republicans may attempt to shut down the government ahead of November’s election.

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-19


The statement reflects ongoing discussions and assessments within Republican ranks regarding the possibility of a government shutdown. Recent news articles indicate that Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is facing pressure from both the far-right faction of the party and Senate Republicans as the deadline for government funding approaches. Reports highlight that there are divisions among Republicans about how to proceed, with some recognizing the possibility of a shutdown if consensus cannot be reached on funding agreements. The admission implied in the statement acknowledges the complexities and tensions within the party regarding this issue. While there is no clear declaration from Johnson explicitly stating 'we will shut down the government,' the context provided in the news articles and the commentary surrounding Johnson's leadership indicate a recognition that a shutdown is a possibility if the factions within the party cannot come to an agreement before the elections.

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