I wasn't aware that Bounding Into Comics was anti-LGBTQ+ when I used them as a source, and had no knowledge of them as a publication.

Rating: Half True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-11-20


The statement reflects a personal admission of ignorance regarding the publication 'Bounding Into Comics' and any associated biases or opinions. Based on the supporting search results and articles, it is indicated that 'Bounding Into Comics' has been linked to the Comicsgate movement and attitudes that are not supportive of LGBTQ+ communities. Comments from a reliable source like Mr. Enter clarify a conscious decision to avoid using them as a source due to their perceived anti-LGBTQ+ stance. Therefore, while the personal claim of unawareness might be valid, it appears that the publication has established itself with certain views that align poorly with LGBTQ+ representation. Thus, the person's stated ignorance can be partially understood, but there remains an expectation of diligence in choosing sources. Overall, while the claim may be sincere, it might not absolve the speaker of responsibility in promoting or sharing content from problematic outlets.

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