Google Gemini has 1M context length

Rating: Mostly False Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-20


The statement about Google Gemini having a context length of 1 million tokens is misleading based on the available information. Current reports indicate that while Google has introduced features surrounding context length, the standard context window in available tiers seems to start significantly lower, specifically at 128,000 tokens, with the possibility of scaling to 1 million for higher pricing tiers. This implies that a user would need to opt for specific paid features to access the 1 million context length. The implication that Google Gemini universally offers a 1 million context window for all users without conditions is incorrect. The existence of a 1 million context window does not mean that it is standard or accessible to all users without extra costs. Thus, while the possibility of 1 million tokens exists, it is not an unconditional feature that is broadly available.

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