FBI admits Trump shooter Ryan Routh has been on their radar since 2019

Rating: Mostly True Severity: High Check Date: 2024-09-17


The statement is mostly true based on recent reports revealing that the FBI indeed acknowledged they were tipped off about Ryan Routh in 2019. The tip concerned Routh's possession of a firearm despite his status as a convicted felon. Although the FBI followed up on this tip, nothing significant came of it at the time. Routh's name resurfaced recently due to his alleged involvement in an assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump. However, the details surrounding the initial investigation and the lack of substantial action by the FBI create nuances that warrant careful interpretation. Consequently, while the assertion that he has been on their radar since 2019 holds true, it is essential to recognize that being on someone's radar does not equate to proactive measures or ongoing surveillance capable of preventing future incidents. This complexity illustrates a gap between the acknowledgment of a threat and the effectiveness of the measures taken to address it.

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