Expertise trusts the rational mind to avoid risks and follow blazed trails.

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-19


The statement suggests that expertise relies on rational thinking to circumvent risks and adhere to established pathways. This notion is grounded in several cognitive theories that highlight the importance of rationality in decision-making, particularly in fields requiring expertise. The search results emphasize the contrasting roles of intuition and rational thought. For example, while some individuals depend on gut feelings, research indicates that informed risk assessment and understanding of uncertainty can contribute to trust in expert judgment (as noted in Fjaeran's 2021 paper). Therefore, expertise does not solely rest on rationality; it may integrate intuition and experiential knowledge. Furthermore, the examples of the York Land Trust and planning for special needs children highlight practical applications where both rational and intuitive decision-making processes play essential roles. Thus, the statement is mostly true but oversimplifies the complex nature of expertise, which encompasses both rational thought and experiential intuition. It implies a binary approach to knowledge and decision-making that doesn’t fully acknowledge its multifaceted character in real-world scenarios.

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