el lloriqueo puede ser un comportamiento sumiso, una forma de decir T mandas.

Rating: Mostly True Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-24


The statement claims that whining can be a submissive behavior in dogs, implying it is a way for them to acknowledge authority or dominance. This aligns with findings from the American Kennel Club, which states that whining can indeed be a behavior associated with a submissive attitude. This behavior indicates that the dog may be expressing a need or vulnerability, aligning with the understanding in canine behavior studies that submissive behaviors can manifest in various forms, including vocalization like whining. However, it is essential to note that while whining can indicate submission, it can also express other emotions, such as anxiety, excitement, or the need for attention. Therefore, while this statement is accurate in its claim, it lacks the nuance of additional context surrounding dog behavior. Overall, the basis of the claim appears valid and generally supported by credible sources that address canine communications and behaviors, affirming that the statement is mostly true.

Key Points
