Did Trump call White Supremacists fine people?

Rating: Mostly True Severity: High Check Date: 2024-09-20


The statement refers to comments made by Donald Trump during a press conference following the violent events in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017. Trump stated, "You also had some very fine people on both sides," referring to the protesters and counter-protesters at the rally. His statement was widely interpreted to include white supremacists and neo-Nazis among those he described as 'very fine people.' In a more complete context, Trump later clarified that he was referring to people protesting for the removal of a Confederate statue, distinct from the white supremacists. However, critics argue that his phrasing implicitly legitimized the presence of those extremist groups. The debate continues about whether Trump's remarks were a defense or a condemnation of those involved. In summary, while he did say there were 'very fine people,' the implications of this statement regarding white supremacists have been subject to significant debate and interpretation, often leading to the misconception that he directly endorsed them.

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