Did the former governor of Virginia say or imply that post-birth abortions are permissible at times?

Rating: False Severity: High Check Date: 2024-09-17


The claim that the former governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, supported post-birth abortions is misleading and taken out of context. During a radio interview in January 2019, Northam discussed the process surrounding third-trimester abortions, specifically in cases involving severe fetal anomalies or when the life of the woman is at risk. He explained that decisions surrounding late-term abortions involve discussions between the woman and her medical providers, which may include scenarios where the fetus is nonviable or would not survive after birth. However, his comments were interpreted and misrepresented as suggesting that infanticide or 'after-birth' abortions are permissible, which they are not under Virginia law or any United States law. Northam has never advocated for post-birth abortions, and the legal framework does not allow for such actions. In summary, while late-term abortions may be legal in certain contexts, the assertion that they imply post-birth abortions are permissible is unfounded and false.

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