Congress must pass the SAVE Act to stop noncitizens from voting in November.

Rating: Mostly False Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-11


The statement claims that the SAVE Act is necessary to prevent noncitizens from voting in the upcoming November elections. The underlying implication is that there is significant voter fraud involving noncitizens that the SAVE Act could mitigate. However, evidence suggests that noncitizen voting is exceedingly rare in U.S. elections, and mainstream studies have shown that the incidence of such occurrences is minimal. The opposition to the SAVE Act from Democrats is often framed as a response to what they perceive as an unfounded accusation of widespread noncitizen voting, aligning with broader discussions about maintaining election integrity without implementing unnecessary or potentially disenfranchising measures. The opportunity for true voter fraud remains statistically insignificant and does not warrant the legislative intervention proposed by the SAVE Act. Therefore, the assertion that passing the SAVE Act is essential is misleading and overstates the urgency of the legislation while dismissing the low probability of noncitizen voting impacting election outcomes.

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