Biting insects leave me alone after I’ve put on high SPF sunscreen

Rating: Mostly False Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-13


The assertion that high SPF sunscreen could deter biting insects like mosquitoes is not supported by scientific evidence. Sunscreen is designed primarily to protect the skin from UV radiation, while insect repellents such as those containing DEET are specifically formulated to repel biting insects. While it is true that applying DEET over sunscreen can reduce the efficacy of the sunscreen by as much as one-third, there is no evidence to suggest that wearing high SPF sunscreen offers any protection from insect bites. Furthermore, high SPF alone is unlikely to prevent insect attraction; many types of sunscreen may even have scents or compounds that attract mosquitoes. Therefore, this statement is misleading as relying solely on sunscreen could lead individuals to overlook the need for appropriate insect repellent when in areas where biting insects are prevalent.

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