Biden just claimed that he has "never once spoken to the Chairman of the fed since I became president."

Rating: False Severity: Medium Check Date: 2024-09-19


The statement by President Biden claiming that he has "never once spoken to the Chairman of the fed since I became president" is factually inaccurate. According to multiple sources, Biden has had discussions with Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. The Federal Reserve, being an independent entity, is a topic of political tension, and such assertions may be used for political leverage. However, public records and reports indicate that Biden and Powell have met to discuss economic matters, including monetary policy and its impacts on the economy during Biden's presidency. Therefore, Biden's assertion appears misleading since his interactions with the Chairman of the Fed contradict the claim of having never spoken to him. The nuance surrounding the independence of the Fed must be acknowledged, but the specificity of Biden's claim as stated lacks factual backing.

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