#1 Fact-Checker App

Try Asking a Question to Check If It's True or False

or upload a meme to fact check it.

Type or paste a sentence to check if it's true, partially true, or false. Hover over or click on the highlighted text to see detailed explanations. You get 15 free checks per day.

Highlight text, fact check any website, just
HighlightFactCheck - Fact Check Anything & Everyone | Product Hunt

Fact-Check Instantly Using Our Website, Chrome Extension, or API in 90+ Languages!

Highlight text on any website with our Chrome Extension, and we'll tell you if it's true or false, and why. You can fact-check your writing in real-time on our website, or build with our API.

Stop doubting, start knowing in seconds, increase your IQ. Simply highlight or write any text while we programmatically analyze, cross-references, and verifiy facts.

Get HighlightFactCheck
Empowering 100,000+ users with accurate information โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…

Highlight text on any website, and we'll tell you if it's true or false, and why.

Use our website to fact-check writing real-time, Chrome Extension to highlight, or API to build.

Website Fact-Checking

Use our website to fact-check any text in real-time. Simply write or paste the content, and get instant verification of its accuracy and why.

Chrome Extension

Highlight text on any webpage and get immediate fact-checking results. Our Chrome Extension makes verification, an explanation seamless and efficient.

API Integration

Build fact-checking capabilities into your own applications with our powerful API. Integrate truth verification into your workflow.

HighlightFactCheck Dashboard

Why Trust Our Advanced Fact-Checking?

Comprehensive Analysis

Our fact-checker doesn't just skim the surface. It analyzes each sentence thoroughly, considering multiple sources including recent news and search results to provide a well-rounded assessment.


We leverage advanced algorithms to evaluate claims, ensuring high accuracy and nuanced understanding of context that goes beyond simple keyword matching.

Transparent Ratings

Each fact-check comes with a clear rating scale from "True" to "False", along with a severity assessment, helping you understand both the accuracy and potential impact of claims.

Detailed Explanations

We don't just tell you if something is true or false. Our system provides comprehensive explanations (200-300 words) for each fact-check, giving you the full context.

Continuous Learning

Our system stores fact-checks in a database, allowing it to learn and improve over time. This means faster, more accurate results for frequently checked claims.

Proactive Suggestions

Beyond just checking facts, our system can suggest rewrites for inaccurate statements, helping you improve the accuracy of your content actively.

Advanced Fact-Checking at Your Fingertips

FactCheckPro Plan


  • 5 Checks Per Minute, 150 Fact Check Per Day.
  • Analysis: Leverage advanced alogrithms for nuanced understanding and accurate fact-checking.
  • Comprehensive Explanations: Get detailed 200-300 word explanations for each fact-check.
  • Multi-Source Verification: Our system checks multiple sources including recent news and search results.
  • Clear Ratings & Severity Assessment: Understand both the accuracy and potential impact of claims.
  • Rewrite Suggestions: Get suggestions to improve accuracy of statements.
  • Continuous Learning: Benefit from a system that improves over time with each fact-check.
  • Secure Authentication: Your data is protected with Auth0 integration.
  • Easy Setup: Start fact-checking immediately after signupโ€”no complex setup required.
  • Priority Support: Get expert assistance whenever you need itโ€”just reach out!
Start Fact-Checking Now

How Our Advanced Fact-Checking Works

1. Input Your Content

Getting started is easy! Simply input the text you want to fact-check into our system. Whether it's an article, a social media post, or any other content, our tool is ready to analyze it. No complicated setup requiredโ€”just paste your text and let our system do the work!

2. Algorithmic Analysis

Our advanced tool, powered by patented algoithms, springs into action! It breaks down your content into individual statements and analyzes each one thoroughly. The tool considers context, searches for relevant information from multiple sources, and applies nuanced understanding to each claim.

3. Comprehensive Facts

For each statement, our system provides a detailed fact-check. This includes a clear rating (from "True" to "False"), a severity assessment, and a comprehensive 200-300 word explanation. You'll understand not just whether a claim is accurate, but why, and what its potential impact might be.

4. Actionable Results

Finally, you receive a complete report with all the insights you need! For any inaccurate statements, our tool can suggest rewrites to improve accuracy. The system stores fact-checks for future reference, continuously improving its performance. You'll have all the tools you need to ensure your content is accurate and trustworthy!

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! Your data security is our top priority. We use state-of-the-art encryption to protect your information. With Auth0 integration for login, only you can access your account. All fact-check data is stored securely, ensuring your content and results are protected.

Our fact-checking system is highly accurate, utilizing advanced patented models and multiple source verification. However, as with any system, it's always wise to review the detailed explanations provided and use your judgment for critical decisions. The system is designed to be a powerful tool to assist in fact-checking, not to replace human oversight entirely.

Our system is designed for efficiency. While the exact time can vary depending on the complexity and length of the content, most fact-checks are completed within minutes. The system also improves over time, with frequently checked claims returning results even faster.

Our fact-checking system provides comprehensive insights. For each statement, you'll receive a clear rating (from "True" to "False"), a severity assessment of the claim's potential impact, and a detailed 200-300 word explanation. The system also offers rewrite suggestions for inaccurate statements, helping you improve your content's accuracy.

Our system uses a wide range of sources to ensure comprehensive fact-checking. It utilizes Google's Fact Check Tools API, performs custom web searches, and analyzes recent news articles. This multi-source approach allows for a thorough verification process, considering various perspectives and the most up-to-date information available.

Yes! Our fact-checking system is designed to continuously learn and improve. It stores fact-checks in a database, allowing it to quickly retrieve results for previously checked claims. This not only speeds up the process but also ensures consistency in fact-checking over time. The system's knowledge base grows with each use, making it more efficient and accurate.

About Our Powerful Fact-Checking Service

Our advanced fact-checking tool is your all-in-one solution for ensuring content accuracy and credibility. Designed for journalists, researchers, content creators, and anyone committed to truth in information, it makes fact verification efficient and thorough. Here's how it empowers you:


This application is designed to streamline the fact-checking process, providing instant, comprehensive analysis and boosting the accuracy of your content over time.

We developed this tool to address the growing need for reliable fact-checking in an era of information overload. Our system leverages advanced language models and multi-source verification to deliver thorough, nuanced fact-checks quickly and efficiently.

Our motivation came from the challenges of manual fact-checking: time-consuming processes, potential for human error, and the difficulty of keeping up with the rapid pace of information. So we created this fact-checking service. Sign up, input your content, and get comprehensive fact-checks instantly.

We've built a user-friendly, powerful tool that's accessible to everyone who values truth and accuracy in information. For $19.99 per month, you get unlimited access to state-of-the-art fact-checking capabilities, helping us maintain our servers and continue improving our service.

Your Partner in Truth,

The Fact-Checking Team

Key Features

  • Analysis: Utilizes advanced algorithms for nuanced understanding.
  • Multi-Source Verification: Checks Google Fact Check Tools, custom web searches, and recent news.
  • Comprehensive Results: Provides ratings, severity assessments, and detailed explanations.
  • Continuous Learning: Stores fact-checks for faster future retrievals and improved accuracy.
  • Rewrite Suggestions: Offers suggestions to improve statement accuracy.
  • Secure Authentication: Utilizes Auth0 for robust user authentication.
  • Fast Processing: Delivers fact-check results within minutes.
  • Wide Content Support: Fact-checks articles, social media posts, and more.
  • Historical Data: Access to previously fact-checked content for quick reference.


  • Enhanced Accuracy: Improve content reliability with algorithmic fact-checking.
  • Time Efficiency: Automate fact-checking process, saving hours of manual work.
  • Credibility Boost: Build trust with audience through verified information.
  • Comprehensive Analysis: Get detailed insights beyond simple true/false verdicts.
  • Continuous Improvement: Benefit from a system that learns and becomes more efficient over time.
  • Data Security: Enjoy peace of mind with robust encryption and secure authentication.
  • Content Enhancement: Receive suggestions to improve accuracy of statements.
  • Broad Applicability: Fact-check various types of content, from articles to social media posts.


Simply log in, input the text you want to fact-check, and let our system handle the analysis. You'll receive comprehensive fact-check results, including ratings, explanations, and rewrite suggestions, directly in the app.

Support and Resources

We offer comprehensive support to ensure you get the most out of our fact-checking service. This includes:

  • Detailed knowledge base with usage guides and best practices
  • Prompt email support for all users
  • Live chat assistance during business hours
  • API documentation for advanced integrations
  • Regular webinars on effective fact-checking strategies

Priority support with faster response times is available for our Professional plan users. For Enterprise clients, we offer 24/7 dedicated support and custom onboarding. Please contact us for more information about our Enterprise solutions.